Literary Corstorphine an ideal gift…

If you have enjoyed this blog, why not consider buying the book? It’s a unique gift for anyone with links to this area. I include a lot of detail in the book which doesn’t appear on this blog at all, such as maps and a deeper dive into some of the subject matter. Many people have told me that they were amazed about the content, and that they were completely unaware of it beforehand. I have certainly tried to find a new angle on our local history.

You can buy Literary Corstorphine for £15 from the Gift Tree Café (pictured) which is on Station Road. If you can’t see the book on display, please ask to see a copy.

You can also buy it online at (click on this blue link).

I know a lot of people expect content for free, but remember content creators can’t all live for free!

And to all of those who have bought copies, thank you! I have sold a number of copies already, but I do appreciate all sales.